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CASA_YHL Logo Blanco Transparente_edited.p
CASA_YHL Logo Blanco Transparente_edited.p

Court Appointed
Special Advocates

Youth Heartline is the CASA Program for the 8th Judicial District of New Mexico. CASA began in 1977 when a Seattle juvenile court judge concerned about making drastic decisions with insufficient information conceived that idea of volunteers in the courtroom speaking up for the best interests of children who have experience neglect or abuse. CASA is now a network of nearly 950 CASA and Guardian ad Litem (GAL) programs that are recruiting, training, and supporting volunteers in 49 states and the District of Columbia.

El Papel de una CASA:

(video de 3 minutos)

Cómo CASAs Hacen la Diferencia

Los niños en cuidado de crianza que tienen un voluntario de CASA tienen más probabilidades de tener éxito en la escuela y adaptarse al cambio. Tienen la mitad de probabilidades de volver a ingresar al sistema de acogida más adelante. Como voluntario, usted puede marcar la diferencia para un niño que ha sufrido abuso o negligencia en su comunidad.

Change A Child's Story

CASA Volunteers:

  • Complete a 30-hour online, guided training

  • Help foster children navigate the court system

  • Advocate for the best interests of foster children

  • Play an essential role in a foster child's life

  • Are supported in their role by Youth Heartline staff​

We look forward to talk with you!

Contact us today:

Introducción a CASA!

(video de 2 minutos)

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